Saturday, January 12, 2008


You know my JC friends are the best.
I have been on program now for 77 weeks, and after the frist 36 weeks and losing my 50# I have maintained my weight loss for 41 weeks now.
I have "talked" to many of you in the past 11 days of 2008, and your enthusiasm continues to support me.
Lester Lou has set a new goal, and has been on the program now for 6 weeks.
Stef has started doing the Leslie Sansone Walking Tape...hell I have had that tape for 77 weeks and never even opened it. What a dufus I am to have such a great tool just sitting idle.
Traci has some great recipes on her blog using JC foods and some meals on your own.
DanRI has lost nearly 10# in 4 weigh ins, and is going to add exercise to the mix real soon I know it.
L2 and I both like the 'Beef with mashed Potatoes" which others have said tastes like canned dog food.
I had a great dinner tonight!
3 oz of Potatoe Encrusted Cod, with 1/4 Cup Brown Rice, a Big Salad with Raspberry Flair Salad Spritzerand a TBS of Flaxseed sprinkled on it, and 3 Cups of Steamed Veggie Medley (Zuchinni, Cauliflower & Baby Carrots). Not great....Incredible. = 3 Meat, 2 Starch, 6 Veggies, 1 Fat.
It is the little things that motivate me.
Your successes, and your challenges, help to keep me on my game.
So thanks everyone....
Love ya all.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

After the New Year Weigh In and Kauai Bound

Well I went yesterday for my monthly maintenance weigh in, and weighed 137#.

No bad, for having on 6 layers of clothes! So I figure I was right on track with my maintenance goal of 135#.

I did not do measurements, since I had on all the layers I told Jalene that I would wear "skinny" clothes on Feb 6th for my next weigh in, so we could get an accurate weight and measurements, cold or not!

I will have a REALLY good weigh in on Feb 6, becuase on Feb 9th at 6:00 AM I, my hubby, my daughter Joanna, son-in-law Charles, grandsons Tony & Trevor, In-Laws Ray & Sharon are all heading towards the big blue yonder for 7 days of warm paradise on Kauai!

Non of the others have ever been so it will be fun playing the tour guide.

I know we plan on renting Harley's at least one day, and taking a bus tour up to Wiamea Canyon, the Fern Grotto, the Kauai Coffee Plantation, and Hanuama Bay. Other possible fun stuff will be a Snorkeling catamaran day trip or a Sunset catamaran Cruise to the Napali Coast, and perhaps an ATV expedition, or Innertubing down the Sugar cane Chutes.

Well whatever we all choose to do, it will be fun, a blast, and WARM!

The picture above is a chubby pix from Nov 2003 in Kauai,

when I return I will post a Skinny MJ in Kauai pix Feb 2008.
See you all soon, ALOHA