Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The SCALE did NOT need Calibrating - Darnit

Well all, I know as we struggle to maintain our new lifestyle ruts or bumps in the road have to come. I was cruisin along with 19 weeks of maintenance under my belt, and had never weighed more than 136# during maintenance, and then I hit a pot hole.

I went on vacation like I told you all last week (had a great time by the way) and found that I had gained weight and was now at 140.2. A gain of 6.8#'s from my previous weigh in. Oh NO! I never wanted to see 140 again.

Me 140.2, it had to be the darn scale at the JC Center....but was me, and the butter and the fried eggs I ate, and the homemade cookies, rice krispie bars, and the ice cream, etc....

Oh well this is another week, but I was still telling myself it was that darn scale needed to be calibrated, but yesterday I weighed at home and I was 138 so I decided I would self JCicate. I dropped to 1200 cals yesterday although my weigh in was today I thought I better not wait, and just take the bull by the horns now.

So today I went to my Jenny Center the one with the GOOD scale...right???

And guess what....I weighed 137.6 So the good news I lost 2.6# since I weighed on the BAD MINNESOTA SCALE. The bad news is I am 2.6# over my goal weigh of 135. So needless to say I will be on the 1200 calories until I get back to 135 or below, and I will now know that I am not invincible.

My enemies Fried Eggs, Butter, Sugar, Fried Cheese Curds all still know my address, and are just hanging around waiting for an invitation back into my life.

I was thiking I am eating good, but I was out of my normal routine.

I usually have cereal 6 days a week for breakfast and only eat eggs once a week.

I usually eat 6 cups of veggies and salad a day, and I only ate about 3 if I was lucky, you would think I could have found more veggies in a dairy farming state huh?

I usually eat primarily chicken, and fish, but I ate Beef and Pork instead.

So the Bottom line is good to screw up, to learn you are mortal, to realize if you are not as active you will have consequence. It is also good to have a plan, a lifestyle that has become so ingrained that instead of just giving up and saying well 140 ain't so can drop 500 cals a day, and JCicate your self back to your goal.

I guess this is what maintenance is about, the success is wonderful, but the Potholes are there to remind me how far I have come, and where I want to always stay!

The other good news...My size 4 pants are not tight, so I gained the weight in my boobs, and who can't use a little more there after loosing 7 inches. So I will just enjoy that extra 2.6# of boobs this week....and work on getting rid of them soon.

Wierd huh, what we can convince ourselves of? I was sure that the scale at the Woodbury, MN JC Centre needed to be calibrated.

Not...It was I thant needed the adjustment!

Here to weight loss once again friends.

Love ya all,

Mary Jo

1 comment:

If it is to be it is up to me! said...

Hi Mary Jo!

It was so nice to meet you on the Jenny Craig chat site tonight! Your story and photos are very inspiring to me! I will bookmark your site for when I need some motivation!

"If it is to be it is up to me!"