Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Where the Heck Have I been?

Well if anyone is reading this (I am guessing everyone gave up on me...) I am still maintaining my weight loss, and doing great. I have had a busy harried fall, and have been remiss in keeping up with my JC friends, and our journey.
Although I have not been keeping up with my writing, I have kept up with my weight loss goals.
I had my monthly maintenance weigh in today, and I weighed 136.2, and inches lost are 33.75 so I am happy.
Still a size 4/6, and still enjoying my new lifestyle.
Have not been in the mood for shopping, Christmas presents or much of anything.
Don't know why? Waiting for the Christmas Spirit Bug to bite me I guess.
Well I hope all is well with you.
HAppy Holidays and Happy New year. I hope you all make your milestones, and goals.
TAke Care,

1 comment:

If it is to be it is up to me! said...

Hi Mary Jo,

Thanks for your message! I was so hoping to be under 200 when I weighed yesterday but it was one of those weeks where I gained! I was up 2.8! The holiday season is in full swing now and I know I ate some things I shouldn't have. Plus I am pms'ing now. I sent all the 'bad' food home with my sister yesterday to help. I have to stay focused and only have a little of my favorites at my three family dinners over the next week.

You are managing your weightloss really well! It is a little frightening to think about maintenence because it is so easy to gain. The odds are against us to begin with so we have to work a lot harder to keep it off than most people would ever imagine.

Enjoy your holidays in your new 'skinny' outfits!

Traci in Missouri