Thursday, March 22, 2007

32 Years and Going Strong

Well today is my 32nd wedding anniversary. 32 years ago we were just wrapping up the reception at the church hall, and everyone was migrating to my parents house for more merriment. What a great party that was. The weather was alot like it was in Albuquerque today. Rainy in the morning, a little blustery, and then the son began to shine just as the wedding was about to begin. On a JC note I did taste the "free Happy Anniversary Mud Pie" the watress brought us tonight, but for Dinner I had Grilled Halibut, Salad, and Steamed Brocolli & Carrots, so I should survive the week just fine.

On my weigh in this week I stayed at -45#, no loss, no gain. I kind of expected a flat week, since I did attend a St. Patty's day party, and tasted a few chips, a piece of spice cake, and some corned beef. It was also a measure week this week, so I did loose another 1.75 inches so I have now officially lost 30 inches in the past 32 weeks.

This is all very exciting, and my size 4 pants are fitting loose, so I hope the last 5#'s just help me tone up, and keep me where I don't have to go to a special store to find clothes. I guess that would not be a bad thing but I would rather not.

Have a great week. On the home front, I have attached a pix of our construction project. Sunroom (all materials piled up) and Pool (deck poured yesterday and under plastic due to rain).

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