Thursday, March 15, 2007

90% There T-45 and counting.

This is TODAY! I have lost 45# in the past 31 weeks, and 25.25 inches. I have 5 more to go to get to my goal of 50#. My self imposed target date is April 27, 07 (my husbands birthday).

I wanted to say thank you to my friends Jessamy & LesterLou from the Jenny Craig chat room that shared blogspot with me. I hope I can help others, as I have been helped in the chatroom, and at the Albuquerque (Lomas) Jenny Craig center.

I now have 9 - 5# bags of flour sitting on the small bookcase behind my desk (see above). Each one representing a 5# weight loss. This is my visual reminder of my weight loss, and the white papers taped to the bags are my inches lost. Each yellow ribbon is the length of the inches lost. Lurline gives me those little rewards once a month when we measure.

I am in week 32 now, and so next wednsday we will measure again. So if not before another post to let you know how that goes.

In case you wondered:

I walk, walk, walk. ( I try to do 10,000 steps a day)

How you might ask? I park further away from the door of the store, and walk into the store, mall, etc..., and then I walk briskly though every aisle at least once while shopping or not.

I wear my "light clothes" when I weigh in.

For the first 29 weeks I was wearing the most lightweght size 14 pants that just kept getting looser and looser until they started to fall off.

The last two weeks I have been wearing the most lightweight size 4 pants (see above center photo) I could find.

Regarding weigh in -

don't weigh your self every day.

weigh in the same time of day once a week.

weigh in on the same scale once a week.

and yes...

wear your light clothes even in WINTER

Check out the chatroom at
Everyone there is willing to share their thoughts.
Go when you need to be encouraged, and go when you are encouraged.
Who knows who you will help?
All the Best,


LesterLou said...

Awesome pics!! Love the white wrap sweater. And the bright one too! I'm very proud of your accomplishments. You're a great support to others and a real asset to the chatroom.


MaryJoNM said...

Thanks LesterLou! You are the best, and I so appreciate your support.
The clothes are from New York & Company (my new favorite skinny store!)